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Characterization Factors for Microplastics Impacts in LCA published

Today we are pleased to be able to share with you our characterization factors (CF) for microplastics impacts in LCA. The CF are accessible via a table published on our website here and can also be downloaded for use in your research

MarILCA Update Webinar Recording

We are happy to share with you that our project co-chair Anne-Marie Boulay recently gave an overview of the progress of the MarILCA project during a webinar on “Impacts of Plastic Litter in LCA: Developments & New Findings”. The webinar was recorded as part of EarthShift’s BrownBag Webinar series on January 19 and is now available as a recording below:

MarILCA Presentation now online

We are happy to let you know that the presentation entitled “Drawing a framework to assess marine plastic litter impacts in life cycle impact assessment: the MarILCA project” is now accessible as a recording below. The presentations was given during SETAC’s 30th Annual Meeting by Francesca Verones from NTNU.

MariLCA Project Website Launched

Today we are really happy to show you our new MariLCA project website. The MariLCA project has been in the works for a few months now and now we are ready to show you what we have planned. This website will serve as a way to inform on the project and engage with anyone interested in learning more about it or become involved. We will make sure to update the… Read More »MariLCA Project Website Launched