about The Project
This project will allow to integrate potential environmental impacts of marine litter, especially plastic, in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results. This will lead to a more comprehensive picture of potential environmental impacts in order to identify trade-offs associated with the use of plastic and other materials in a product system.
Project Phases

Phase 1
Provide a first Framework paper developing and illustrating the different impact pathways associated with marine litter to be developed and identify the gaps and building blocks (January 2019 – December 2019).

Phase 2
Coordinate and launch different research projects (Master’s and PhDs) aiming at filling identified gaps and act as a central scientific reference on the topic to avoid overlaps (2019 - 2022), welcoming members who are working and contributing on the topic. Findings and updates are regularly discussed with stakeholders via a platform and workshops.

Phase 3
Consensus building (2023-2025). Deliver a harmonized and consensus-based impact pathway framework and methods addressing plastic litter impacts (and potentially other complementary marine impacts) in LCA.
Acting now is crucial!
Growing evidence suggests that marine plastics represent a substantial challenge to marine biodiversity with over 500 species which are known to be affected by entanglement, ingestion, and ghost fishing.
(UN Environment, 2018)
Our Core team

Anne-Marie Boulay
CIRAIG (Co-Chair)

Ian Vazquez
PUCP (Co-Chair)

Francesca Verones
In addition to our core team, a number of other engaged researchers contribute to the project. You can learn more about them and their projects here!